
As a fresh Registration you need to first create an Account under Sign In option. Once you successfully enter the correct OTP, you will be directed to complete your Profile.
No. In the beginning as you are completing your profile, you can skip the Resume Upload option and later can upload the same from the Dashboard.

You can always edit your profile under the Dashboard section. (upon successful registration of your profile)


With the help of advanced filters, you can get your searches as per your desire. Make sure you enter right details for fetching of correction information.
Yes. With Jobs24hr you have the facility to see the reason of rejection as posted by your recruiter under ‘Jobs Response’ section.
As of now, there are no limits for your Application towards any job notification.
We are available through ‘live Chat’ or you can connect us via our Phone No and Email Id as provided in the ‘Contact Us’ page.
Sub-Recruiter is an exclusive functionality that the portal provides to the Recruiters to ease out their workload. With the introduction of sub recruiter concept, the recruiters can now work in small teams wherein the recruiter will have the rights to assign Sub Recruiter profiles giving them various permissions to complete a given task.
No. There are no charges to create an account. Presently, all the functionalities on the portal is accessible to all without any cost.
If Someone:-
  • - asks money to get a job.
  • - promises to give a job without interview
  • - offers a higher salary package which not according to qualification & experience.
  • - enquires bank details like card details, cvv, otp etc.
  • - asks payment on the name of registration, verification, document update etc on the site.